Category: Features

The official blog of Tiltify. News, tips, tricks, and general info about charitable fundraising.

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Charity Fundraising  Personal Fundraising    Are you a cause?

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10 Sep 2024

Celebrating 10 years with crowdfunding for personal use

Raise money for yourself or get personal donations online to support your friends, family, or community.

Tiltify's past, present and next big feature
22 Aug 2024

Tiltify: Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation & Our Next Big Feature

Reflecting on the last 10 years of our fundraising journey, CEO Michael Wasserman looks back on our achievements and forward to our next big feature

Tiltify Recognition Program
10 Jul 2024

The Tiltify Recognition Program

Learn more about how Tiltify recognizes your incredible fundraising achievements!

Tiltify Features Round Up 2024
08 Jul 2024

2024 Tiltify Features Round-Up

An updated list of all the tools Tiltify has to offer to make your next fundraising campaign fun and effective.

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01 Jul 2024

Tiltify Feature Update: New Customizable Campaign Pages

An updated list of all the tools Tiltify has to offer to make your next fundraising campaign fun and effective.