#StJudePLAYLIVE 2017 - Registration, Team Creation, and 1 Million Dollars (oh my!)

Tiltify News
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2017


Tiltify is honored to be the exclusive fundraising platform for the #StJudePLAYLIVE 2017 Prize Season! While we have been a fundraising option in years past, it has always been our desire to be the go-to platform for charity fundraising for everyone — and with our Peanut Butter and Jelly-esque partnership with St. Jude PLAY LIVE and the ever-growing livestreaming community, we are confident in providing the proper tools to help the PLAY LIVE community raise over 1 million dollars for the kids of St. Jude this year!

But with that being said, there are going to be some growing pains as we transition everyone over to the platform — particularly in how you setup your campaigns and prepare for the all-out team warfare that is about to ensue (…for the kids, of course!), so please use this guide as a way of successfully setting up to fundraise for the 2017 PLAY LIVE Prize Season!

Step 1: Make an account on Tiltify!
If you haven’t already, please make sure you have made an account on Tiltify! This will allow us to tie later-on registration info directly to your account and will make the process much easier if you do this now rather than later — so head over to https://tiltify.com/users/sign_up and create an account right now!

Step 2: Registration — As an Individual
*Skip to step 3 if you are registering a team for this PLAY LIVE Season)
It’s the Prize Season for St. Jude, which is a pretty big deal — so we’ve dedicated an entire page to it!

https://stjude.tiltify.com/playlive is your home for the 2017 Prize Season — and also where you will start your registration process!

Our CEO Michael explains how to create your individual fundraiser

Once you are logged in to your Tiltify account, navigate over to https://stjude.tiltify.com/playlive and follow the steps in the video above!

A couple things to point out:

  1. Since this is for the PLAY LIVE season, the contact information is critical for St. Jude to reach you/send you your prizes — so please provide your actual contact information so we can get you your well-earned/well-deserved stuff!
  2. Once you choose to support a team, you cannot change your mind! So shop around — window shop a bit — see what appeals to you before you commit to anyone/anything!
  3. If you are new to Tiltify, we have a lot of resources to help you figure out how to best take advantage of the tools we have to offer! Head over to http://info.tiltify.com/ and check out the articles on Incentives (Rewards, Polls, and Challenges) and the Stream Labs Integration to familiarize yourself with the platform!

Step 3: Registration — Creating a Team
If you are the leader/creator of a team, please make sure to follow these steps to make sure your team is properly registered for this PLAY LIVE season!

Log in to your Tiltify account and navigate over to https://stjude.tiltify.com/playlive and follow the steps in the video above!

A couple things to note:

1. If you have made a team in the past/this isn’t your first rodeo on Tiltify involving teams, great! But if not, you can create a team here as it will be needed in order to register the team properly for PLAY LIVE this season: https://tiltify.com/dashboard/teams/new

Your team creation page! Need ideas for a team name? I hear Ninja Bear’s Super Awesome Team isn’t taken yet…
Supporting a team campaign DURING registration

2. Once your team is created, properly registered for PLAY LIVE, and published, individuals that are signing up will be able to choose your team under the supporting tab (above) at registration OR they can go into their already created individual campaigns and choose to support your team (below).

Supporting a team campaign AFTER you have already created your campaign

Registration Tip: after your team is created, registered, and published, on your team page (i.e. http://tiltify.com/teams/team-catalyst) there will be a section that shows your current team campaigns — from this page, individuals can click the “New Campaign” button and be redirected to the PLAY LIVE registration page, but will have all the correct settings to represent your team pre-selected!
*so it might be easier to direct potential supporters to your team page to get registered, but you didn’t hear that from me…

Team campaign listed on your team page! Rally the troops here to register, perhaps?

Note for Team Creators: since this team campaign “is” an actual campaign, you can fundraise from here if you wish! But we would suggest that you create your own individual campaign (aka. go through the individual registration process again) and have it support your team/fundraise from that individual campaign for leaderboard purposes!


Please follow the steps in the videos to properly register for the St. Jude PLAY LIVE 2017 Prize Season! But heed these words:

If you did NOT go through https://stjude.tiltify.com/playlive to register your individual OR team campaign, you will not qualify for #StJudePLAYLIVE.

You can tell if you have registered correctly because the cause on your campaign will list it as St. Jude PLAY LIVE and not St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Hit preview on your campaign dashboard to check):

The 2nd bubble image/text! Thumbs up ^_^

If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate and drop a tweet/DM to @iKasperr or @WeAreTiltify! Kasper “supposedly” sleeps from time to time, so please do give him/the Tiltify account ~24 hours to respond. If it’s a more immediate concern, you can also email iKasperr@tiltify.com — OR, if you know him personally, text him the following gif and he’ll answer near-immediately.

Thank you to everyone that has already started registering for the 2017 Prize Season for #StJudePLAYLIVE! Once your registration is complete and ready to go, we can start focusing on the most important part of #StJudePLAYLIVE: the fundraising — and shattering that $1,000,000 goal this year!



The new generation of fundraising technology is here. Raise more for the causes you care about the most.